Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Attack of the ear infection

Bella had her first ear infection this week. The doctor put the scope in her right ear and she started screaming. Dr. Kim looked at me and said, "Yup, ear infection." In addition to this, she had a mild eye infection. Her poor eyes were rimmed in red. Bella had to stay home from daycare for a few days, but got to spend quality time with Mom & Dad.

Before she became sick, Bella had a very eventful week. She attended a baby shower for her soon-to-be friend David Lee Rice, Jr. She was passed from person to person at the shower and was on her very best behavior (for the most part). She also started eating the food made at daycare. It is all Indian-based and she is learning to LOVE curry and tamarind spices.

Bella has become very strong on her legs and can stand while holding onto something. She can also fully sit up on her own. She acts like she is trying to crawl, so we better watch out! Her favorite toys this week are anything electronic...she loves to "type".

More later!

The Singleton Family

1 comment:

  1. poor girl! I know how you feel though. Catie had one last week too. They really suck! Can't wait to see you next weekend though...

